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bicchieri usa e getta monouso plastic free mp eco solutions

who we are

We are manufacturers of food & beverage packaging solutions. Aware and respectful of the market to which we dedicate ourselves, we are here with great audacity to build success stories in the Eco-Friendly sector.

The young and dynamic team is ready to tell their vision of the increasingly green future.

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The Paper Cup with water-based coating is our flagship product currently in production. Certain of the competitive advantage that we can guarantee by being manufacturers, we guarantee our customers the best possible service by having the ability to customize even small orders.

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A good, self-respecting recipe owes its merit in particular to the raw materials used. We have made this successful paradigm our own, personally selecting materials and suppliers through rigid evaluation criteria, ensuring the end customer the best solution on the market, proud to produce with completely PLASTIC FREE paper



Discover our Horeca single bagging service for glasses to keep in hotel rooms. Accompany your courtesy lines with our personalized glasses, offering your guests a convenient and hygienic solution for drinks in the room.

Blog post

“Eleganza Sostenibile: I Bicchieri Monouso in Carta nei Luxury Hotel”

“Eleganza Sostenibile: I Bicchieri Monouso in Carta nei Luxury Hotel”

I bicchieri monouso in carta con la stampa “Paper Cup Luxury Hotel” sono confezionati singolarmente, garantendo la massima igiene e protezione contro eventuali contaminazioni. Questo dettaglio aggi...

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Produrre in Italia vs. Importare: Una Scelta di Consapevolezza

Produrre in Italia vs. Importare: Una Scelta di Consapevolezza

Produrre in Italia vs. Importare: Una Scelta di Consapevolezza L’articolo esplora la differenza tra la produzione in Italia e l’importazione. In Italia, seguiamo rigorosi controlli, utilizziamo car...

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"MeCup: Bicchieri in Carta Eco-Friendly Imbustati Singolarmente, Perfetti come Cortesie per gli Ospiti"

"MeCup: Bicchieri in Carta Eco-Friendly Imbustati Singolarmente, Perfetti come Cortesie per gli Ospiti"

MeCup offre una vasta gamma di bicchieri in carta eco-friendly, ideali come cortesie per gli ospiti. Realizzati con materiali eco-friendly e imbustati singolarmente per garantire igiene e praticità...

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"Carta contro Plastica: Un Vantaggio Economico a Lungo Termine con i Bicchieri MeCup"

"Carta contro Plastica: Un Vantaggio Economico a Lungo Termine con i Bicchieri MeCup"

"Scopri perché scegliere i bicchieri MeCup in carta plastic-free rappresenta un vantaggio economico a lungo termine rispetto alla plastica. Oltre a promuovere la sostenibilità ambientale, l'uso del...

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